



NOTE: THIS APP IS INTENDED FOR USE ONLY WITH OUR HITs ON AMAZON MECHANICAL TURK ( Mechanical Turk is restricted to users over 18 years of age.Texts to be recorded are only shown for HITs which you have accepted on MechanicalTurk.The app does not save a copy of your recordings on your device. The recordings are sent to our server.You do not retain any copyright to the recordings you make with this app.Recordings will be evaluated for quality by both human and machine testers.Recorded data which passes our QA process will be used in development of products related to speech technology such as ASR.By downloading and using the app you agree to the above terms and conditions.You must complete the task in the app in order to get a completion code. Remember to copy your completion code and paste it into the text box on the HIT page before submitting your work on Mechanical Turk. You must submit a valid completion code in order to get paid.